Want great leather for engraving and also cleans up nice. Look no further. The whole heritage collection is perfect for that.
Man, you place an order thinking it's enough to get started and up pops something new you just have to order! Love it!
I love these bottle openers - good quality - easy to engrave one - they practically sell themselves
This looks great and fun to work with ~ once you get the settings down - the patches look great
This is the most durable adhesive I've used. Very versatile and easy to use.
I love the look of this ruby/black. It's also great to use to add some color as an inlay
By far the best, highest quality products and exceptional customer service!
I love the patches but they are so hard to catch in stock ( and I would love to have an emotional support pickle, lol)
This is my first time using leatherette from Lonestar and I can't believe I waited this long! It cuts and engraves so nicely with my XTool and adheres to hats so much better than the other stuff I have used. I will definitely be ordering more!
A staple to our lineup - and the constant customer favorite, LoneStar Rawhide Premium Leatherette! Great Product!
These valet trays engrave beautifully! Keep 'em coming Lonestar! We need all the things!